Saturday, 31 July 2010 22:25

What Does My Customer Want?

One of the essential elements of the society is commercial company. The company, which is generally considered that serving for its own profit, mostly serves to the society. Unless the company creates benefits for the society, it cannot find any customers for its products, no matter which target and organizational structure it has. Consumer shall not buy the supplied product itself but the benefits of the product. The companies, which are not able to create benefits for customers, can only…
Thursday, 29 July 2010 22:25

Where is My Capital?

In bright periods when sales are high, the basic parameters that are important for the company’s health may deteriorate unless they are monitored continuously and very closely. Such deterioration is perceived only if corporate managers follow the parameters in a determined fashion and then the necessary precautions are promptly taken. If the deterioration remains hidden among daily and urgent business, and the necessary measures fail to be taken; invisible and concealed risks and threats will emerge. Generally speaking, the management…
Friday, 16 July 2010 20:25

Expanding by Production Sharing

Developed countries have fulfilled their basic needs and they are going after the high information and technology now. In these countries, the capital stock and the management information and experiences has reached a high level, the labor requirement has changed from labor-intensive into knowledge intensive. There’s a reduction in number of the employees who use intensive labor to provide input to the production here; thus the companies that have developed technology, saved background and experiences have difficulty in the increase…
Friday, 16 October 2009 22:25

If You Can’t Produce a Leader You Will Go

Humans are creatures who have special physical and psychological characteristics as well as different capabilities and boundaries. Management that keeps this in mind will maintain success infinately. Producing more output than input is management’s main task. It is possible to define resources in two categories: People and other therefore, the positive difference between input and output comes down to people. In order for people to make a change they should steer away from mechanial approaches. Situations like people are different.…


"Use Your Potential / Success Guide of the Service Station Manager" Ayhan Dayoğlu

Publised By OYDER

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